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How Senior Living Communities Support Veterans

A senior man in uniform and standing in front of a US flag is enjoying senior living for veterans.

Seniors and their families have a great deal to consider when they are looking for senior living options. Veterans may have even more to consider, ranging from what additional funding might be available to qualified veterans to whether there are other veterans thriving in a particular community. Buckner Retirement Services has six locations in Texas. Each of them is guided by the Buckner core principles, which are connection, independence, purpose, security, and service. These core principles direct our mission and vision to create a wholesome, vibrant, safe living environment for our veterans.  

Senior living for veterans at Buckner is the perfect fit. To learn more about the benefits for veterans in senior communities like Buckner, call 214.227.7182 to speak to one of our staff today. 

How Senior Living Communities Support Veterans 

If you are a senior veteran looking for a community in which to live your life to the fullest, you’ll want to consider the available veteran services in senior living communities. Some of the benefits for veterans in senior communities are listed below. 

  • Continuum of care – Having the ability to age in place in a senior community is an important benefit. It requires that you have the ability to step easily from one level of care to the next. At Buckner, there is independent living, assisted living, memory care, and skilled nursing care. Whatever your physical or health situation, you’ll be taken care of with our comprehensive options 
  • Support for veterans – It can be helpful for veterans to have specific support regarding their veteran status. This includes support and discussion groups for veterans and their families, where stories can be shared. There is no bad time to offer compassion, understanding, and also acknowledgement of the service veterans provided their country 
  • Veterans’ services – Either on-site or located nearby, veterans’ services, clubs, and specific activities and opportunities can add value through an individual’s retirement years 
  • Other veterans – Consider the benefit of living where there are a number of veterans with whom to create a community of shared experiences and understanding 
  • Enrichment opportunities – You may have specific interests, passions, or hobbies that enhance your quality of life. Our senior communities offer a range of opportunities for learning, connecting, and being active 

It’s important to take the time to research and consider your needs and wants as you move on to the next stage of your life. One way to access information quickly and easily is to call Buckner Retirement Services at 214.227.7182 and ask as many questions as you’d like about veteran services in senior living. 

Consider Senior Living for Veterans 

The range of benefits offered by the Veterans Administration (VA) includes services that will factor in when you look into your options for senior living:  

  • Health care 
  • Pensions 
  • Disability compensation 
  • Financing options 
  • Assisted living benefits 

These offerings and more may be available to you via the VA and can help you pay for and get the most out of a senior living community. 

If you are curious about how senior living communities support veterans, learn as much as you can about the intersection between veterans’ benefits and the structure of your preferred senior living community. At Buckner, we offer guidance and can help you find clarity as you navigate your options as a US military veteran. 

Call Today for Veterans Services at Buckner Retirement 

Buckner Retirement Services honors veterans by making their experience in our senior living communities the best it can be. We use our core principles as touchstones to guide us as we ensure our residents live their best lives. Staying as connected, independent, and purposeful as possible—this goal is fundamental to our mission. Your security is our act of service, and a thank you for yours. 

Submit this easy form or call 214.227.7182 to start the conversation about your best possible future.