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Legal and Financial Planning for Long-Term Nursing Care

A woman receives senior nursing care services. She is having her blood pressure monitored by a nurse.

One of the most difficult things to face is the idea that one day, you or a senior adult that you love will likely need nursing care services. When you’re young and healthy, planning for long-term nursing care may seem far off, but it is always better to plan ahead than be caught without a plan when you need one. Taking charge of your own extended life plan is ultimately best for everyone, including you and your family. When it comes to senior nursing care services, Buckner Retirement Services offers comprehensive options. We’ll help you determine what kind of legal and financial planning you need to do in advance—before you need it.

Reach out to Buckner Retirement Services to discuss the importance of nursing care for seniors. We provide long-term skilled nursing at all six of our locations in Texas. Connect with us by calling 214.227.7182. We can schedule a conversation with you and any members of your family who want to be involved in these important life decisions. 

When Does Someone Need Senior Nursing Care Services? 

Long-term senior nursing care typically begins when a senior adult has a chronic or acute condition, disability, or illness. Here are some examples of health concerns that may require your senior loved one to receive intensive nursing care: 

  • A chronic impairment – This is typically a condition that can’t be cured but is instead, managed by proper care. 
  • A physical disability – Often an injury, stroke, or another serious health event resulting in permanent usage of a wheelchair or the inability to perform daily tasks. 
  • A significant medical condition – like diabetes, emphysema, or Parkinson’s. 
  • Cognitive impairment – This may be dementia or other memory-related concerns. 

Regardless of your current state of health and fitness, it is worth having a conversation with family and friends about planning for nursing care. Being prepared will help lessen the strain on your support system and help give you confidence in the future.  

Planning for Long-Term Nursing Care 

As you consider a retirement community, remember that having options for the possible next stage of your journey, whatever it proves to be, is a good idea. Plan ahead and make decisions about important next steps. Here are a few points to consider while developing a plan: 

1. Appoint a Medical Proxy and Power of Attorney (POA) 

Depending on your relationship and your comfort level, a family member can become a power of attorney now or at the time of your disability. If this happens at the time of your disability, it’s called a springing power of attorney and cannot be activated until you’ve been determined as incapacitated by a medical professional. A POA can ensure that your wishes are carried out in case you become incapacitated. If you have a trusted adult to take on this role, it is worth looking into with your lawyer. 

2. Determine the Costs of Long-Term Care 

Consulting a financial advisor who specializes in senior planning is a good idea. Costs will vary depending on where you live and the kind of care you would like to receive. Making decisions necessary to protect assets is needed to help support a spouse who may not need long-term care. 

3. Understand Your Resources 

An advisor can also help you to clearly identify your assets and determine whether they are adequate to cover long-term nursing care at a reasonable rate over time. If you are unsure if you have the required resources, look into long-term care insurance to cover the financial gap. 

It helps to have experts to turn to when making decisions you’ve never had to consider before. And the support of those closest to you is essential while weighing the pros and cons of various options. 

Buckner Retirement Services Can Help You Plan for Long-Term Nursing Care 

Thinking about the end of life can be stressful and is easy to put off, but it’s best not to wait. Let our expert staff offer you guidance and provide the answers you need to make these vital decisions. The Buckner Core Principles: connection, independence, purpose, security, and service, drive everything we do. Let us provide the care you and your loved ones deserve as you age with grace and dignity. Reach out to us today by calling 214.227.7182 or submit our online contact form.